Global Go-to-Market Strategies for Business Students

Price: $ 29.95 (excl. VAT) or related local currency

ISBN: 9798307656037

Deliverable: Print-on-Demand (Paperback: 288 p. / 234×156 mm | 6.14 x 9.21 in / 381 gr.)

Price: $19.95 (excl. VAT) or related local currency

E-ISBN: 9781839787539

Deliverable: ePUB | eBook

This book, titled Global Go-to-Market Strategies for Business Students, is a comprehensive guide structured into four essential modules. These modules are designed to be followed sequentially, starting with an initial feasibility study, followed by selecting the appropriate Route-to-Market, evaluating local resources, and culminating in an effective visibility strategy for new regions.

The author has crafted this book specifically for college-based business students (Bachelor’s level), where theory and practice come together. It is suited for students in global technical, business, or marketing programs. In some cases, it may also be suitable for pre-master’s students or as part of a Global Marketing course within an MBA program.

To optimize learning, the book provides an overarching assignment at the beginning, guiding students through each module. Additionally, each chapter contains its own set of questions to reinforce key concepts. Each of the four modules is also available as an individual eBook, allowing educators to share relevant sections as standalone courses without requiring the complete book

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