Price: $ 24.95 (excl. VAT) or related local currency
ISBN: 9798301535567
Deliverable: Print-on-Demand (Paperback: 282 p. / 229×152 mm | 6 x 9 in / 381 gr.)
Price: $17.50 (excl. VAT) or related local currency
E-ISBN: 9781839787454
Deliverable: ePUB | eBook
This book, titled Global Expansion Go-to-Market Strategies for Scale-Ups, is a comprehensive guide structured into four essential steps. These steps are designed to be followed sequentially, from the initial feasibility study, through choosing the appropriate Route-to-Market, considering local resources, up to establishing an efficient visibility strategy in new regions.
The author has created this book with Scale-Ups in mind. For companies with limited budgets, taking a misaligned approach to global expansion can be more costly than anticipated. Such missteps can lead not only to financial losses but also to lasting scars and foster negative sentiments toward future expansion efforts.
Recognizing the time constraints faced by Scale-Up management teams and their investors, this book draws from real-life, practical experience. It encourages stakeholders to invest the necessary time and resources up front, ensuring that both the company and its leadership are thoroughly prepared for the journey to becoming a global player.
Each of the four steps as described in “Global Expansion Go-to-Market Strategies for Scale-ups” are also available as an individual eBook, providing the opportunity to share relevant insights with team members without needing to distribute the entire book.
Amazon (Print & eBook; check local amazon website)
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Management Boek (NL) Printed & eBook
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